I’m a carnivore by nature. I’d have meat for dessert if only I could find a good recipe for pork flavored ice cream. But if a vegan were suddenly elected King and passed a decree that allowed … [more]
I first tasted this at my good friend Rachel’s house and almost died. At least that’s the way I felt. I had recently bitten my tongue and the lemon’s acid aggravated the wound. Maybe it was the … [more]
Years ago I asked my sister’s fiancé if he had a good recipe for crabcakes. Not only had he grown up in and around Baltimore, which is arguably the home of the crabcake, but also he had trained as … [more]
People who visit my kitchen often ask about the never-ending pot of boiling water. The answer lies in my belief in letting the food speak for itself. Just as I never trust a steakhouse that has to … [more]
This recipe is best done with children. Its tastes incredible without them but it won’t be half as much fun. Granted it will take twice a long to generate twice the mess, but trust me it’s worth … [more]
In our household pizza making used to be solely a wintertime operation. The high heat from the oven made the kitchen too hot to bother on days we would rather be outside sucking down watermelon and … [more]
When I first started making pizza I would go down to my local pizza joint and ask to buy some dough. Inevitably I would get some confused looks from the teenage clerk and they’d charge me a few … [more]
So you either sprung the big bucks for a high-end grill with a rotisserie attachment or you figured out that you could buy a darn good cheap one that fits on your kitchen counter. Either way you are … [more]
My buddy Eric’s the kind of bachelor that considers a powerbar a good lunch. So when he offered to cook up this great soup recipe he’d come across, I politely demurred. The biggest selling factor … [more]
I get why the Greek gods were so easily appeased by the slaughtering of a lamb: they love a good meal as much as the next deity. The flavor of the meat is delicate bordering on the divine. My … [more]