At GreatGrub you will find stories, recipes, advice and all things food, written by people who care about what they eat and how they eat it. And to share your own experiences or favorite dishes, simply register and get writing.[more]

Fajita Marinade

This is a flavorful alternative to the delicious and simple flank steak recipe. Serve this with corn tortillias and grilled onions and sweet peppers. [more]

Farmer's Market

I used to take the Farmer’s Market for granted. Every Wednesday, on our way to preschool, my daughter Ava and I would cross the food and flower lined street, stop to sample the pomegranate-apple … [more]

Caesar clamato cocktail

Don’t dismiss this Canadian pick-me-up as a Bloody Mary with clam juice. Okay… Okay… Maybe it is just a Bloody Mary with clam juice. But it’s so much more! Originally, this drink was a true … [more]

Collapsible Colander

Not only are these colanders excellent for the storage impaired, but they have the added benefit of being completely non-stick. That they come in cool colors and look nice is certainly a bonus. They … [more]

Cooking Times (Turkey)

The charts below are approximate cooking times at 350F. Your times will vary because of ovens, altitude, and type of bird. Un-Stuffed Turkey Cooking Time (approximate) Weight Approximate Cooking Time …