What people are shouting

Hey Andrew,

Would you believe Jim Beam! It’s all it’s good for, in my opinion. It worked a treat.



What brand of bourbon did you use for the Buster Brown? I liked your version better than mine.

Please Sign Jamie Oliver’s Petition

Thanks for sharing this, Andrew.

Every parent, aunt, uncle and concerned friend of children should watch this and take notice. We have a systemic problem in our midst which is tantamount to prematurely cutting short the lives of those whom we not only love the most, but who are utterly dependent on us for their well being.

It drives me crazy how badly confused our priorities have become. We worry about political correctness in the classroom, making pariahs of parents who haven’t had their child’s car-seats professionally fitted, seeking counsel from educational and behavioral therapists as we wonder whether our child is ready for her ABCs… and yet we turn a blind eye to potato chips, hot dogs, hamburgers and other processed conveniences that ultimately are designed to exclusively to make our lives easier.

“If music be the food of love, play on.” I see by your link that you are a musician. What music do you cook to?

Welcome Aleksey. I hope you will share some great Russian recipes with us here at GreatGrub. You have some delicious looking recipes on your Russian food site — if only I could read russian. Perhaps we can convince you to translate.


I have a wonderfull Espresso maker. I just bought new coffee, which was grounded at the spot. Mmmm, that smell. I made the first cup with it and it was so good. Quality is the key word for everything! Have a great day! Rene

Dinner with Julia and Jacque — do tell. That must have been an amazing and enlightening experience. I would like to hear about the conversation and story telling that took place at that dinning table. And the menu too please.

Prepared my breakfast table… bowl of cereal, jug of coffee. Sat down, relaxed into my chair, let go one of those deep contented sighs… poured the milk over my cereal, into my coffee… and it was rancid and sour.

That’s it. Day ruined.
