
The Main Course Column

A New Beginning…

Every spring marks rebirth and a perfect time to cleanse both your inner and outer temples. You may ask yourself, why cleanse? Doesn’t the body, in all its infinite wisdom, do the job for us? Yes, … [more]

Go Organic!

Look for signs that say, this section is “certified organic” as you fight your way through the market crowds, particularly when it comes to the dirty dozen: the fruits and vegetables that … [more]

Farmer's Market

I used to take the Farmer’s Market for granted. Every Wednesday, on our way to preschool, my daughter Ava and I would cross the food and flower lined street, stop to sample the pomegranate-apple … [more]

It Seems Like Every Month…

…there’s a new diet/health book allegedly uncovering the latest truths and foolproof plans to finally reach that nutritional Mecca. Having worked closely with the creator of the Zone diet, it … [more]

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